Acro Mode

Flying in ACRO (short for Acrobatic) mode is like taking the training wheels off your bike. You will have full control over the drone and it will take you a few hours of practice, but soon you’ll be rewarded with the amazing experience of flying drones at its fullest! You will be able to surf skyscrapers upside-down and to race on complex, three-dimensional tracks! Don’t be afraid of crashing though!

In ACRO, you will have full control over the throttle (that is going to propel the drone upward), pitch, roll and yaw (that are going to rotate the drone on its axes). To move forward, you pitch the drone forward and it will start moving in that direction. The FPV camera is installed at an angle, so that it will point at the horizon when you’re moving forward. However, when you’re static it will look upwards.

We recommend to start in freeflight mode on the Laax environment to have a wide space to practice. Make sure ACRO is selected and set the sensitivity to low for now. It will take time to master the throttle control, but it’s a fundamental skill to acquire.

If you move the left stick up, you give thrust and the drone takes off. The further the stick is moved upwards, the higher the faster it will climb. If you move the left stick sideways, this turns the nose of the drone to the left or right (yaw). However, if you move the right stick upwards, the drone will tilt forward (pitch). On the other hand, the drone will tilt backwards when the right stick is moved down. If you move the right stick sideways, the drone will turn left and right (roll).

Just be patient, give your fingers time to adjust and establish muscle memory progressively. At first just fly high around the mountain, try to stay level and moving forward. To make sweeping turns you need to move both sticks to the same direction. As you gain confidence, aim an object and try to fly next to it. Progressively try to fly intentionally into smaller gaps and once you are able to fly where you want, start trying very easy tracks, like Reutte Hairpin. With enough practice, you will quickly become able to fly a lot faster and more precisely. And all the skills you learn here will translate directly to drone flying in the real world!

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